My 166 day adventure begins!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


WOW! this week has gone by so fast! I'm starting to settle in to the classes that I want to take. Im taking an art class which I really love, the projects that i'm working on is really cool too. We're making healing trees. The only problem is that the school doesn't provide art supplies. Its weird having to carry around paint and all the things you need for art. This school provides lots of opportunities to do charity work which I really love to do. This week I will be going to a soup kitchen and make soup for the homeless. As much as I miss the things in Michigan, there are so many more chances to do really cool things here!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Ahh, back at school. But this school here is so much different. Most of the classes are set up like a motel, where the halls are outide and the classrooms are like the motel rooms. Its so odd. The students are very respectful to all of the teachers calling them 'ma'am and sir'. This is also a private catholic school, so before class every morning we pray and do things of that sort. Its really weird cause usually public schools aren't allowed to talk about god. The first day of school was really great, but It was so overwhelming as everyone swarmed me asking me to say some words. To them, I have a weird accent. But to me, its them that sound weird! For now i'm just shadowing people and floating to try and see which classes I would like and take. The 'athletic' season is also now. Americans might be more fimillar with 'track'. We don't run against other schools though. Our school is divided into houses like the movie Harry Potter. Also, their track it painted on the grass, which is a lot different. I'm very excited to be here and I have made lots of friends already. I have adjusted to the time zone quite well, too. I have had no sign of jet lag which is really good! Until tomorrow (: