My 166 day adventure begins!

Friday, November 26, 2010


So today was the day that my family in South Africa celebrated their first ever Thanksgiving.. thanks to me. I am proud to say that I prepared the meal all by my self (with a little help of course). I spent the whole day in the kitchen just cookin away. The Three sets of cousins came along with the grandparents. I also made my first pumpkin pie from an actual pumpkin! It was a long day but I'm glad that I could have celebrated my favorite holiday with all the people I love. And now I am off to have a big jol at the Vaal! Peace out!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Ah! Exams are finally finished! Im so glad because all I have been doing is studying. Now I can finally have some free time. This weekend I am going to a place called the Vaal with all of my friends. Its a really big river and you can tube and swim in it. Lately I've been just going to school to write exams and go to the gym. But after this next week of school we have another vacation! I'm going to Umhlanga again and I'm really happy for it cause I love it there! Well I'm off to the gym.. until next time :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Yesterday was the last day of school! Well.. kind of. Now we start exams. We write exams for the whole month of November. So lately all I have been doing is studying. Exams here are really hard and you have to study for them a lot! I've been studying very hard for art theory which I write on Monday. I also write the Math paper 1 on Monday too. Exams are actually going to be fun cause I only have to go into school for when I am writing. So this coming week, I will go in in Monday to write art and math and then on Thursday I write History paper 1. Every exam is two hours long. I think this exam part is really good for me because it gets me prepared for college!